Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Potential Members – First Year
50,000 – Students, HBUC’s, and Family - 100,000
100,000 – UEDC’s Truckers Assoc.- 1,000,000
3,000 – GSU
20,000 – Lincoln Parish
50,000 - Fayetteville, NC
100,000 – RBD
1,623,000 – sub-total

Average Membership Fee - $10.00
Truckers’ Membership Fee - $60 per month

Memberships Fees:
Low Income $1.00 (may be waived)
Military $1.00
Moderate Income $10.00
Middle Income $100.00
Upper Income & Organizations $500.00
Truckers $50.00 per month (to include prepaid legal, affinity card and other benefits)

Upon development UEDC propose that all members will own at least one share of stock in Chase Bank and at least one share in UEDC.
Middle income will own one share of Chase Bank and one share per $10.00 contributed to UEDC when going public.

UEDC anticipates and promotes that members and associates contribute in order that their family members, friends and loved ones own individual shares in order that UEDC will be able to vote their shares in proxy. This will allow UEDC to influence the participating bank in recognizing UEDC’s influence.

Other Benefits:
Reduced rate Visa
Reduced rate Legal Fees
Reduced rate Phone Service – Verizon
Discount Vehicle Purchases - DiamlerChrysler


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